Start an Environmental Farm Plan

ARECA has been delivering the Alberta Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) since 2013.

​Under ARECA’s leadership, Alberta EFP has been successful in:

  • Developing the online WebBook

  • Creating and strengthening partnerships with the ag industry and all three orders of government

  • Developing the new Habitat & Biodiversity Assessment Tool

The Alberta Environmental Farm Plan

Meet the EFP Team

  • Tanya Moskal-Hebert

    Program Director

  • Kate Lovsin

    Program Coordinator

  • Lisa Nadeau

    Program Director

  • Sonja Shank

    Program Coordinator

Why should you do an EFP?

  • Provides education and awareness about your operation

  • Helps identify environmental risks and develops an action plan to mitigate them 

  • Can be used as a planning tool for generational transfer

  • May reduce costs, and/or increases profits through efficiency

  • Can be a requirement for funding, e.g. Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP)

  • Improves markets for Alberta grown agri-products